Brendon Dawson
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Arriving home after studying abroad is an entirely new adventure in itself. I have done it a few times now and am always amazed by how surprised I am by the challenges I face when coming home. These challenges are not easily overcome, but always seem to provide new insights and gratitude for not only the country I just left but the home I am coming back to.

Some say they are surprised by how “everything is the same.” I feel this is accurate on the surface but totally misaligned as soon as you delve into any deep analysis. Your new perspective you have developed overseas adds depth and dimension to the world you left behind - a realization you will only come to upon return. The relationships, networks, friends, family, and co-workers all continued to live their lives in your absence and as...

Category: Writers In Residence
Camille James,Famous sunset in Santorini, Greece
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After spending the past few months living abroad, I have learned a lot about the world in ways I never could have within a classroom. Foreign exchange rates, politics, food and cultural holidays are all examples of concepts that are better understood once experienced in a different culture. Furthermore, having had a myriad of travel opportunities, I can officially call myself an expert in booking travel and flying, as well as sleeping on overnight buses and trains; my passport is evidence of this.

A huge part of studying abroad is these travel opportunities, and being able to experience different parts of the world with other students. Upon arrival, I made an “English bucket list” with one of my Australian friends, and over the course of the semester we worked to achieve everything on the...

Category: Student Blog
Kyla Oshanek, Japan
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I recently returned from a study abroad exchange in Japan—my second experience, the first being a field school in Mexico. My experience in Japan was culturally more fulfilling, which I credit to, this time, staying with a host family. Here are a few perks of living with a host family:

Language practice: Depending on your host country, there is a good chance that you and your host family speak different languages. This is an excellent opportunity to sharpen your language skills. And there is an added bonus to all this language practice: you learn a lot about your host family, plus their city and country, while developing new friendships and professional connections.

Local food: Staying with a host family provides a glimpse into what it is like to rea...

Category: Writers In Residence
Kyla Oshanek, Mexico
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The Food: during our month in San Pancho we dined at nearly every restaurant. I was surprised and delighted by the variety of food we found here. We even had a special dinner prepared for us in a local home as well as a private cooking class where we learned to make huevos rancheros and tortilla soup.

The Beaches and Sunsets: really do not require any words. There is nothing quite like sitting on the beach listening to the waves crash against the shore. The sunsets here are simply remarkable. Watching the sun set was one of my favourite ways to connect with nature and reflect on my experiences throughout the field school.


Category: Student Blog
